About Spearhead Project Earth
Spearhead Project Earth is a non-profit foundation created by The Spearhead Group to give back to our global community, preserve nature (including our waterways), and help educate people about being good environmental stewards.
Spearhead Project Earth™ combines shore clean-up activities with raising awareness through education. We believe that having first-hand experience helping to remove litter from Burlington Island to be properly recycled is one of the best ways to raise awareness on the environmental impact of our use and misuse of plastics. Volunteer groups will also have a chance to enjoy nature in this beautiful setting while learning about the rich history of the island and the harms of plastic waste.
We are determined to restore the integrity and beauty of this landmark site for all of us who value the Delaware River, Burlington Island, and our responsibility to preserve international waterways. This program was made possible thanks to the support of the Board of Island Managers, particularly Joe Abate, Dave Babula, and the Board of Trustees for Spearhead Project Earth: Robert Catalano, Heather Fritzsche, Juliet Brown, Ph.D., and Stephen Brown.